Every morning I use an application on my phone that gauges my body’s current stress levels through a physiological reading.
By using my camera on my phone and the light emitted, is can detect both my heart rate and also calculate my HRV (heart rate variability, more on this later).
Furthermore, an output of this measurement is my resting heart rate which I measure every morning within a couple of minutes of waking up.
I noticed something quite interesting when I looked back on the historical data I’d recorded throughout the days leading into realising I was positive and during the time I was positive.
This is clearly seen in the below screenshot.

My resting heart rate slowly increased each morning as my body got more and more exposed to the stress and peaked quite significantly above what my usual average reading would be.
It also stayed slightly elevated during and just after recovering.
I thought this to be super intriguing and provided me with great insights to how my and particularly the human body copes and deals with viruses it needs to fight.
Clearly my body was “working” much harder than it normally would.
Just some food for thought.