Ty Buckmaster

#19.0 Hours In A Week

There’s 7 days in a standard week.

Therefore 7 x 24 makes a total of 168 total hours in a week.

Let’s say you exercise for 30 minutes per day, be it rigorous or just an activity like walking (low or high impact).

That comes to a total of 3.5 hours per week that you train, on average.

Now we can divide the hours that you exercise per week by the total number of hours we have physically available.

3.5 / 168 = 0.0208 * 100 = 2.08 %

We get the following as a percentage.

Rounded up, that’s a tiny 2.1 % of your week.

I honestly don’t think there is any excuse under the sun that can rid you of not putting in the work to maintain your health.

It’s that simple, yet the overwhelming majority of us on earth, in particular in the privileged western countries, don’t get the required amount of heart raising goodness.

What’s even more staggering, is that 2.1% of your total available time in your week, if done and executed, makes the other remaining 97.9% of your week infinitely better.

It makes such an enormous difference that it’s dangerous if you don’t do it.

Just a simple thought on a Tuesday night.

Go and get at it.

An example of a quick 30 minute workout we did in our home gym (garage)

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