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#24.0 Why I started journaling?

Why I started journaling?

Initially, I never really realised that I’d started.

I remember hearing out of a video or a podcast, someone mentioned that externalising your thoughts and taking a small amount of time each day to document them, is an immensely powerful habit to get into.

It just never really started though

It was more just a consistent thought that sparked every now and then.

Then I read an article on the net that outline just the act of being grateful for just one thing in your life, can provide a  significant increase in one’s happiness, confidence and mood.

So from that day onwards (from about May this year) I have written a list of three things I’m grateful for each day.

That’s it.

Extremely simple, yet undeniably effective.

Now that has become not only a habit but has expanded to a few questions and finally, results in numerous strings of writing where I reflect on the day I just had and write down everything that comes to mind.

As corny as it sounds coming from a grown young man, it’s become a diary.

This has helped a lot.

I have realised so many things I wouldn’t have become aware of if I didn’t externalise the fluff floating around in the skull of mine.

Chaos becomes ordered.

Untidy becomes tidy.

…you get the idea.

In closing, this will spark a few more things I will write about, including, but not limited to:

Get in touch if there’s anything you would like to know.

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