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#7.0 3 (three) powerful questions to ask yourself when creating a blog

Do you want to save a lot of time?

If you want to realise and understand some crucial steps before undertaking any endeavour, particularly, in creating a body of work that you can call your own, please stick with me.  

These questions play a vital part in fundamentally ensuring you have a clear vision of what you would like to achieve through the use of putting your work out into the world through an online outlet.

That being a blog.

Research and Resources

When I did some initial research about creating a blog, I found out very quickly that there is an endless supply of resources and tools to teach you about creating the website and the specific ins and outs to the function of it.

It is actually unbelievable how many people and within the online community out there these days, that provide excellent support for starting a work of art.

However, there is only a handful that actually show you to recognize the outcome you desire.  

In other words, clearly seeing the vision in which you would like to produce.

The end goal and objectives.

Ask Yourself:

Before you dive head first into creating a blog, it’s crucial to understand the following principles:

  1. What do you want to achieve or what do you want the outcome to be?
  2. Why do you want to achieve this specific outcome?
  3. How are you going to get it?

1.0 What do you want?

What is it that you want to achieve through the creation and implementation of your body of work?

This is the initial question you must ask yourself or the people involved in whatever it is you’re creating.

By not knowing exactly what you want, or having clear goals and objectives, how will you be able to start working on it?

The is an extremely powerful thing to do when undertaking any project whether it be within your day to day career/job or within your personal life.

A prominent analogy which describes this exact question is found in the book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by author Stephen R. Covey.

It can be stated below:

“It’s incredibly easy to get caught up in an activity trap, in the busyness of life, to work harder and harder at climbing the ladder of success only to discover it’s leaning against the wrong wall.”

I believe this quote can be applied to not only creating a blog but also when attacking anything we do in our lives.

If we don’t understand what it is we really want to accomplish, how can we even commence working towards it?

2.0 Why do want it? (or whatever it is you want)

Why do you want it is the next integral question you must thoroughly ask yourself?

Out of the 3 questions, I believe this is the most important one.

Not only is this applicable for creating a blog, but also essential for anything we do in life.

More on that in another article (sorry I didn’t mean to tease you).

When you start asking yourself why you’re going to do something, you come face to face with the reality.

Instead of just jumping straight into an endeavour, the why really identifies the motivation, the drive, the visions, the goals, the emotion and feelings towards the goals and so on.

Once one why question is answered, another can arise, which creates a flow on effect.

By creating this phenomena, every why question that is answered, allows for another and another.

Each one allowing us to go deeper and deeper into the reasons we do what we do.

3.0 How are you going to get it?

The final question, is how are you going to get what you truly want out of a blog?

This may not feel like an important question to ask yourself, but I think it’s absolutely integral.  

If you know how to get what it is you want, you will have extremely strong foundational understanding (as a lot of the time, whenever we start something new, we actually have absolutely no idea how to get it, particularly the steps involved).

Therefore, understanding this is will smooth the path to your goals much more effectively and efficiently.

The how question detects the steps you need to take towards the final objective.

Furthermore, by understanding the steps you need to take, you have a plan and by having a plan you have now created a system.

The system then just needs to be run over and over again, day in day out, week in week out.


Simply the steps I went through are as follows, which I envision can help you:

  1. Decide what you want (question 1)
  2. Understand why you want it (question 2)
  3. Identify the how (question 3)
  4. List out the goals/objectives
  5. Set out the milestones for each of the goals/objectives
  6. Schedule them into a calendar
  7. Action! Action! Action!
  8. Push through and go after the plan
  9. Be persistent (consistency is key)

What is your what, why and how?

“Inaction breeds fear and doubt. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy. — Dale Carnegie”

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