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#39.0 Where do ideas come from?

Where do ideas come from?

They don’t come from anywhere, they come working hard.

We all have massive aspirations to start work on massive projects.

Yet we never get stuck into them, and then we beat ourselves up that we can’t come up with unique concepts.

As Somerset Maughham said in Steven Pressfields book, The War of Art,

“I write only when inspiration strikes, fortunately it strikes every morning at nine o’clock sharp.”

An interesting thing happens when we start writing (or starting work on anything the demands significant cognitive power, examples of this are, any form of educated study, new fitness regime, starting a business, commencing any high leverage habit).

Once you start, a sense of flow begins.

Sentence after sentence, repetition after repetition, transaction after transaction.

Momentum is achieved, it’s like a bicycle in motion.

Once the tough 10 pedals are turned over, the next 10 get easier.

It’s easier to stay in motion when in motion.

Next thing you know it’s 1 am in the morning and you’ve exceeded everything you sought out to do.

Lower your expectations and get going.

Its worked for me and it can work for you.

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