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#45.0 Running in the Rain

There is nothing so blissful and euphoric than running in torrential rain.

Some people would feel sick at the thought.

It’s the feeling of clearing the mind of all thoughts.

Me, I like to see it as an opportunity to build willpower.

To build confidence in myself that I can still achieve any of my life goals without waiting for that “perfect” day.

I can go after it without requiring the sun to shine through and bring ideal conditions for “success”.

Although there is an uneasy stigma surrounding the “s” word, success.

Everyone has an entirely different definition of it.

Nevertheless, I think receiving a look of absolute confusion and almost disgust when you run past someone driving along in their car is priceless.

In their mind they’re saying to themselves, “Look at this idiot”.

While I secretly smile back, enjoying the discontent I am causing to another.

Why not see the good things in every situation instead of judgment and jumping to conclusions.

It makes me so happy.

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