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#61.0 Procrastination, over and over again

The mother of all deterrences.

Stronger than Mortein killing flies and cockroaches.

If we have to write, we find some excuse that is more pressing to do something else.

If we have to study, we go and do the washing.

If we have go for a run, the latest Netflix television series calls us ever so loudly.

It’s actually the most frustrating thing, even when you’re writing a text message, dopamine grabs us and drags us over to Instagram for a couple of sneaky thumb scrolls.

That is the pinnacle of procrastination.

The best things in life wouldn’t be worth it without some form of struggle.

Then what’s most intriguing, is when you do start to do a high leverage activity, you don’t want to stop.

The ball is in motion, rolling profusely.

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