A great, simple exercise to bring you back down to earth and into the present moment is to practice the following.
Only has to be a couple of minutes everyday or even once a week but whatever your frequency, it’s important to utilise as a reset button.
Steps below:
- Find a place where you can’t be interrupted (ie a study, your backyard, the beach, a local park, your own bedroom with the door closed)
- Sit in a comfortable position (any position so long as your back is not supported, as this allows you to not hunch or slouch)
- Close your eyes
- Now, concentrating on only your breathe, visualise at each inhale, clean, pure air coming in through your nostrils and then visualise dirty, polluted air out as you exhale
- At a rhythm comfortable for you, continue this for as long as you require or have time to (ie a couple of breathes, a couple of minutes etc)
- Whenever your mind or thoughts start to wander, be sure to bring your external attention back to the visualisation of the in and out of your breathe
- Don’t judge the thoughts, just become aware of them and then move back to the clean in and the dirty out
Don’t overthink or over complicate it.
That’s it.