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#85.0 Repeat School in a Heartbeat

If you’re in school, cherish every moment.

Because when you graduate you will wish you were back.

Every day you get to see your best mates, you have your lunch packed for you and there are no bills coming through.

Essentially, no responsibilities.

During the hours of 8:30 am and 3:00 pm (provided you have finished your assessments) you can effectively use your time however you choose.

The other side of the coin, also known as being an adult, involves full time time work, preparing your meals for the week and paying bills.

This doesn’t leave too much time for you to pursue your many other passions.

The question pops up frequently when you enter your mid-twenties:

“Would you go back and repeat your schooling years?”

My answer is absolutely.

In a heartbeat I would.

Enjoy the time.

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