Today, two things happened to me.
First, I said a temporary goodbye to my beloved sports watch.

Second, I got one of the best waves of my life at snapper rocks.

Regarding the first, I had to unfortunately send my current multi-sports watch back to the supplier today to be replaced with a brand-new one.
After purchasing in April this year, the accelerometer function ceased to work correctly after a month or so of use.
(The accelerometer detects specific types of movements and activities for example swim strokes, or accurately measures when you’re walking to count steps etc).
Subsequently, after numerous attempts at troubleshooting the issues, the product supplier communicated a fault and that a like-for-like replacement is given.
So in the meantime, I will have no use to track any of my physical activity.
Although inconvenient there is a positive side, I see it as a little freedom to not think about data and metrics bombarding me ever so often.
Hopefully, it’s returned promptly.
Lastly, the wave I caught surfing this afternoon was just insanely good.
About 10 minutes after sunset, and about 20-30 minutes of continuous paddling, a lucky moment on the edge of a set wave appeared.
I was in the perfect spot, with no one inside and a smooth uninterrupted take-off.
As the famous superbank always does it lined up, the wall almost infinite.
15 turns, 90 seconds and at least 600 m later I can off the wave speechless.
4-6 foot southeast swell, solid period and offshore southerly winds make this hands down the best wave in the world when the mentioned conditions align.
Align they did this afternoon.
The best part, is it’s at my doorstep.
As I sent my watch off for replacement I would normally have an activity recorded using the GPS but some things don’t always work out.