#224 – Some thoughts between Japan and South Korea

After spending a considerable amount of time in Japan and recently leaving to embark on travel through South East Asia, I’ve definitely noticed similarities and differences between the two countries listed above.

They are both similar in many ways and different in others.

It’s interesting how you become biased to a way of living and going through life, when you get into a a certain routine.

For example moving away from your native country, living in another for more than a few months and then changing countries once again.

You become accustomed to the way they do things in certain places.

Japan is so different to Australia.

South Korea is also so different to Japan.

Some weird things I’ve noticed:

  • Japan is very rigid and structured. They do things a certain way and that’s the only way. South Korea on the other hand are a bit more “flexible”.
  • Japans vending machines are phenomenal. Australia’s are okay and South Korea’s are disappointing. A petty one but still valid nonetheless.
  • Probably my uneducated stupidity but South Koreas cars are left hand drive. I had no idea until I walked out of the airport.
  • Further to the previous point, you can tell this place is heavily influenced by the United States. There’s a lot of history for Korea as a whole and South Korea adopted many western customs.
  • After practicing Japanese so much and using it and learning the language, I was so stuck in my ways and most likely upset many Koreans speaking Japanese. I almost just default straight to Japanese now. Korean is an even more unique language than Japanese, whole new writing style, pronunciation even more complex etc etc. I’d need a while to practice this one.
  • People approach you in the street, never hesitant to say hello or provide a random compliment. The Japanese on the other hand are much more reserved we’ve found. Conservative almost in their socialising. The Koreans love a chat and can tell a lot of us can’t speak much Korean but are trying any way.