#202 Injury rehabilitation

It’s now been just over 2 full years since I had my right shoulder reconstructed.

The 5th of December 2022 was the day I underwent the surgery and it was a significant moment in my body’s physical health.

A pivotal change took place.

It’s not all easy and smooth seas though.

Even though it’s fully functional, and has been for quite a while, I had to do the work.

Many people will never tell you the little things that happen in a recovery of any injury, however, there’s a lot involved.

If you want to recover fully, quickly, and properly, you have to spend the time doing the rehabilitation.

You can see all the specialists under the sun including the surgeon and specific physiotherapists etc, but they can’t be responsible for strengthening the injury.

You and only you can do this.

Don’t make excuses and spend the time doing it properly!