#207 – Open Mindset Questions (interactions that wake you up)

When purchasing your groceries, a lot of the time it’s exactly the type of activity you don’t  want to be doing.

Especially on the weekend.

There’s always something else that’s much more intriguing and enjoyable.

Although, it can be quite fascinating if you approach the checkout to pay for your items with an open mindset.

This morning while getting some groceries for the week after training, I too went through the register without ever thinking I’d have the discussion I did.

When it came my turn, as a typical Australian I am, I said G’day and how are you?

The young guy behind the counter lit up and responded with great enthusiasm.

Long story short we got chatting about how he had just moved down to the Gold Coast from Brisbane and after a quick investigative range of questions we both realised how small the world truly is.

I graduated school in 2012 and the fella behind the counter is currently at the same school, with this and next year to go until his graduation.

Teachers, sports houses, and facilities were all but a few of the topics we rapidly went through.

A single point of commonality is all you need to spark an engaging and thoroughly engrossing conversation.

Although a potentially non influential situation for him, it felt like I’d won the day after walking out of the supermarket.

I just shook my head and thanked myself for having the courage to ask uncomfortable questions instead of standing there on my phone not bringing any but value to the world.