#210 – A special compliment

I recently received a compliment during a general conversation and made me think quite deeply after.

For context, the praise was about how I make it a priority to be present whenever I am in the company of someone.

Whether that’s at dinner, the cafe, or just in general interactions.

Specifically, it was directed at how normal it has become in society to just sit on your phone while you’re talking to an individual or a group of people and act like “you’re there” when you definitely aren’t.

Essentially, I am the opposite of this and I make a real effort to never be distracted using my device when in any of these social situations.

For me I find it essential that when in the company of someone you provide them with your undivided attention, not being on your phone and almost just as bad, having the phone on the table.

It emits this interesting feeling that the text / phone call / social media notifications are all superior to that of the person or people you’re in the company with.