#215 – Ironman Triathlon – 12 months ago today

Time just feels like it flies.

Crystal clear memories of what feels like yesterday was what I was grateful enough to do exactly 12 months ago to this day.

In beautiful, tropical North Queensland, the town of Cairns plays host to 1 of 3 full distance Ironman triathlon events.

I was blessed to have registered and competed in the race on Sunday June 12, 2022.

The race involved the following, in their respective order:

  • 3.8 km open water ocean swim
  • 180 km bike ride
  • 42.2 km marathon run

Starting just after sunrise and ending just before sunset, I took 10 hours and 5 minutes to complete the 3 individual legs for the event.

Enjoy the photos of all the amazing spectators who followed me along for the ride captured throughout the course of the day.

Along with screenshots and details of my results.

I recommend every one have a crack at this extremely fulfilling endeavour at some stage in their life.

It opens your eyes to what you truly can achieve if you work towards a goal with laser focus.

Finally, it wouldn’t have come to fruition without the support and valued help throughout this process and on the day. I am forever thankful.

Maggie for your patience to allow me to train and being my number 1 fan throughout the journey. You saw the highs and the lows, and you kept showing up.

Paul and Kate, for traveling up and supporting throughout the race. Especially with passing on experience from previously doing the event.

Mum and dad (Yasmin and Ross) for all they had done throughout my life to lead my to this point, it’s an accumulation of thousands of decisions all guided by you.

At the finish line
At the finish line with my partner Maggie
Side view of running home to the finish
Live stream view of running home to the finish
Quick nap just before the swim start ready to go
Palm Cove beach at sunrise for the start of the race and where the swim commenced
Maggie and I just before the start
Riding through the cane fields on the bike leg
Riding through the cane fields on the bike leg along the main highway
The swim start through the Ironman banner
Screenshot of the Garmin upload off my watch showing all 3 legs and the 2 transitions
Screenshot of the Strava upload of the swim leg
Screenshot of the Strava upload of the bike leg
Screenshot of the Strava upload of the run leg
Screenshot of the Ironman results and placings
Paul opening a beer in front of me on the course
Cruising along on the run leg around halfway through the marathon