#28.0 My Worst Habit, Biting My Nails

If there’s one habit I wish I could stop.

It would have to be biting my finger nails.

An even more bizarre occurrence is the notion that I don’t actually bite them to shorten them by way of splitting that nail like that of a set of nail clippers.

My nails are surprisingly long and do grow out like normal.

It’s for the dopamine hit of feeling the extremity flex through the force of the ends of my teeth.

This has confused me for a long time, but it still continues to this day. 

Whenever I am at a computer or in deep cognitive, even stressful, thought, the ends of my fingers radiate towards my mouth and under the spell of the clamping movement of my teeth.

While there is still a global pandemic – and fingers in my your mouth is almost inexcusable – it has been a habit that has stuck with me ever since I finished school, and become much more apparent throughout my working life.

Obviously a factor as a result of increased stress.

As I write this, between sentences I sneak a quick nibble in.

Oh, there it goes again.

While I think, my fingers aren’t typing and that’s the prompt or the “issue”.

I really need to work at it.

One day I’ll get there but until then I will continue to do my second worst habit…


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