#35.0 Importance of Seeing Your Grandparents

As with everything we do in life, we always put emphasis on the things that are urgent.

These things need to be done right now, as they have a pressing deadline and will inevitably bring some form of consequence if the task is not completed within the time frame set.

One of those unfortunately, is scheduling in time to spend with our grandparents.

All too often we hear of stories of people saying I wished I had spent more time with my pop before they tragically pass away abruptly.

So take a positive step and a proactive one at that, and schedule in the super important things that just aren’t urgent right now.

At some point they are going to become urgent and you won’t be either prepared or have time to deal with the issue, or worse, both of them together.

Make time to go and see them.

Something that feels super insignificant to you compared to what’s going on in your life, could be dramatically life changing for them.

You never know if that short period of time that you talk to them on the phone, or sit down and have coffee for half an hour, that time could make their month.

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