#52.0 My fathers parents – grandma and grandad

When I was young, I played an enormous amount of sport.

A lot of that sport was rugby league and rugby union.

As I think about it now, before my fathers parents passed away back in 2007 and 2009 respectively, it is amazing (which is an understatement) what they did for me.

Without fail, they would both come and watch me play games of footy (junior rugby league and school rugby union).

Usually played on a Saturday and Sunday morning.

It actually blows my mind, again recounting, that on top of their presence at the games, they would present me with a gold coin (either $1 or $2).

At the time as a young kid, you didn’t think too much of it then being at the games.

It was just another session of running around getting exercise and social stimulation.

But for them it meant the world.

Now that they have since passed, and I have progressed in my life as an individual, I am still reflective to think about how damn lucky I was.

Not only did I have my parents – who would selflessly bring me down weekends on end – but my loving grandparents also.

So in this moment I truly consider this reflection as a real highlight in my personal life and cherish all the situations where I got to stand there (regardless of whether we won drew or lost and if I played good or bad) they would hug me and pass on a small donation to my money box.

Money was involved yes, but the memories you cannot place value against.

For those I am so grateful of the still vivid and clear images engrained in my deep, long term memory.

One day I’ll get the opportunity to do the same for my grandkids, be that in a little while.

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