#94.0 What I learnt from not going on Facebook or Instagram for 3 months

In the summer of 2019 to 2020 (December through to the end of February) I decided to do a full detox of social media.

I deleted both the applications that I was using at the time, which were Facebook and Instagram.

I wasn’t, and haven’t really used any other platforms other than those two.

What a weird feeling, going from checking constantly both of them to see if I had a notification to going completely cold turkey.

I learnt the following:

  1. Be present, be here, be now, open your eyes and really see what’s going on around you
  2. More time to do other things that bring benefits
  3. Serotonin detox, and allowing my brain to produce happy feelings through quality relationships, exercise and clearer mental thinking
  4. Realising you’re not just a reflection of your social media persona